More Summer Fun
Get up early at Sleepy Dog Cabins and you may see a silhouetted figure on a Stand Up Paddle Board gliding quietly thru the scene. That would be our good neighbour Helen Grymaloski, artist and adventurer, owner of Blueberry Broad Diversions. Helen grew up right here in NorthWestern Ontario. Her dad always took her along […]
Adventure Queen

IRENE WILLIAMS I met her by chance once, a long time ago…. before I met Tom. She was visiting her daughter Sally and so was I. Arthur Williams met her by chance too….. Irene was enjoying a good read on a Hyde Park bench when Arthur noticed her. He commenced to courting and soon […]
Spring Walleye Fishing

Walleye are by far the most popular species found in our waters. Many agree that they are the best tasting fish in the world. How wonderful then that they are fun to catch, easy to clean and can be prepared in a so many different ways. Spring Fishing Many anglers dream of walleye […]
Our Pizza Oven

Pizza. Liz made it sound so magical, but she didn’t say pizza. She said….fresh baked bread from an outdoor brick oven. What was a brick oven? Back in the day I was a home schooler, taking my kids to play groups with other mums. It was then that I first heard of […]
Where’s Winker? An interesting guest at Sleepy Dog.

We always have the most interesting people stay with us at Sleepy Dog Cabins. Our season of 2014 was so great because we have discovered a whole new way to learn just how intriguing they/you all are. We started throwing pizza parties! There will soon be more info on this blog about that beautiful miracle food…pizza. Back […]
Wow, I got to go fishing!!!

Most times I am the dear one who stays in and keeps the home fires burning. Yesterday , however, I bicycled to Dutchie’s Store and got myself a 2014 Conservation Fishing License!!! Yeh me!! AAAnnnd last evening I went out Walleye fishing. What great fun. A wonderful couple staying in Cabin 4, Brian and Judy, […]
First Day of Spring and Sleepy Dog Cabins continues to observe Mother Nature.

What a beautiful blustery day at Wabaskang Lake, with a westerly wind, flurries and temperature of +2 C as a high. It is April 21. We are so fortunate to have the BEST view on the lake. Anybody and everybody who visits (and we love visitors) comments on Our Million Dollar View. Tom has taught me so much […]
Fishing Art

Fishing is an art. There is art in fishing. Here is some fishing art. Tom and I are always seeking out art. We make a point to enjoy as many galleries as we can…private, public, modern, medieval, no matter. To see the imagination of artists is a thrilling thing. It helps to […]