About Us
“Born with an axe in one hand and a fishing rod in the other”
I’m not sure who came up with that line but it sure applies to me.
Hello — My name is Tom Williams.
Growing up at the remote fishing lodge that my parents built was a life that many a man would envy. I tagged along behind
my dad, Art Williams, cross country hiking and looking for waters filled with walleyes. It felt like we were the first to fish these small hidden lakes, getting our share of bug bites and scratches as he usually just took the direct, straight ahead attitude. Dad had an internal compass and we always came out exactly where he said we would. The axe was our protection against the unlikely chance of crossing paths with a bear and of course we had a couple of old fishing rods.
Now I have built my own resort on Wabaskang Lake called Sleepy Dog Cabins, not far from my beginnings. With my partner Margaret Aitken, we are an eclectic team. I am passionate about building, sailing, traveling, Blues music, and of course nature. Marg is an artist, upcycler, painter, piper, weaver, upholsterer, knitter and wood worker. Together we love making Sleepy Dog Cabins the best it can be for all to enjoy. We pride ourselves in offering top notch equipment and accommodations on Wabaskang Lake.
Bring your fishing rod and come on up!!