We are so excited to offer another great Sleepy Dog Cabins workshop,
Our guest instructor Derek Lucchese from http://www.bothhandsbread.ca will lead you in building an outdoor oven in the style pioneered by Alan Scott. Derek is a very experienced baker, builder,teacher and serves his knowledge up with a great sense of humour.
This hands on workshop will give you all the ” know how” you need to head home and build your own outdoor oven. One that is custom designed to suit your needs. During leisure time you are welcome to tour the lake by boat, get a little fishing in,
walk the beach, take a hike or enjoy relaxing in your cabin.
All this includes
lodging for 3 nights, 2 Lunches, and 2 Suppers
for the super fantastic price of $425.00.
Only 15 spots available!!! Book soon and be dishing up gourmet pizza by summer.
phone 807-529-3165
One Response
Wish you were coming also.